Solar array construction nears completion
The solar arrays for Cleve Hill Solar Park are expected to be fully installed by April 2025.
Christmas and New Year arrangements
HGV deliveries to the solar park site will be suspended between Sunday 22 and Sunday 29 December.
October piling works update
The main phase of impact installation piling in zones Q, U, V, X and W is now complete.
Southern Gas Network Head Hill road closure
Southern Gas Network (SGN) have been carrying out planned gas network upgrade works on Head Hill Road since Monday 21 October.
Piling works update
Recent testing of piling methods in zones Q, U, V, X and W has resulted in the decision to use the impact installation method.
Battery Safety Management Plan approved by Planning Inspectorate
The Planning Inspectorate has approved Cleve Hill Solar Park’s appeal against the decision by Swale Borough Council to reject the Battery Safety Management Plan (BSMP).
Battery Safety Management Plan appeal update
Cleve Hill Solar Park has appealed against the decision by Swale Borough Council not to discharge Requirement 3 of the Development Consent Order made in 2020.
Final transformer delivery
The sixth and final abnormal load delivery to the solar farm site is due to complete on Friday 5 April.
Battery Safety Management Plan
On Wednesday 28th February Swale Borough Council’s Planning Committee voted to refuse Cleve Hill Solar Park’s proposed Battery Safety Management Plan (BSMP).