Southern Gas Network Head Hill road closure
Southern Gas Network (SGN) have been carrying out planned gas network upgrade works on Head Hill Road since Monday 21 October.
The road closure and all traffic management are the responsibility of SGN and their subcontractors.
The proposed management of the SGN road closure was agreed following meetings between the solar park team, SGN and Kent County Council Highways. Further discussions were held at the Construction Traffic Management Group meeting on 9 October regarding both HGV and staff traffic movements during the closure period.
The arrangements for solar park traffic are as follows:
· All solar park deliveries are diverted along Monkshill Road.
· HGVs must visit the traffic holding area before and after visiting site to pick up and drop off vehicle trackers.
· At the holding area HGV drivers are briefed on the diversion route and delivery traffic procedures.
· No deliveries will take place between 8.15 – 9.15am and 3.00 – 4.00pm as
· SGN traffic marshals stop and control traffic at the western and eastern ends of Monkshill Road, between Waterham Road and Seasalter Road.
· Traffic is allowed to travel in one direction at a time, a procedure SGN has agreed with Kent County Council.
Staff traffic:
· Staff cars/vans entering/leaving the solar park site use the SGN diversion route via Faversham Road/Joy Lane.
Residents and businesses located along Monkshill Road will be directed by the traffic marshals as outlined above.
The CHSP construction project team are in regular contact with SGN during these works to ensure adherence to their traffic management throughout the road closure.
The road closure covers a four-week period, however SGN have indicated that the works could be completed in a shorter period.
Please contact SGN directly if you have any queries about traffic management during this road closure (