Take two for the Oystercatcher

Take two for the Oystercatcher



Our Ecological Clerks of Works are busy locating and monitoring nesting birds across the site. They have found that an Oystercatcher has established a second nest after is original clutch of eggs were lost.

The Oystercatcher does not appear to put a lot of effort into building, protecting, or concealing its nest which it makes on the ground. Disappointingly, the species does not feed on oysters either – their diet is mainly mussels and cockles for coast-dwellers and worms further inland.

Read more about the Oystercatcher on the RSPB website.

Other nesting birds found on site recently include Skylarks, Mallards and Kestrels.

Species to look out for in and around the Cleve Hill Solar Park area in June and July include:

Grey Heron, Little Egret, Wheatear, Cormorant, Raven, Rook, Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, Gadwall, Shoveler, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull and Herring Gull.


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