March Bird survey and ecological works update

Our full-time Ecological Clerks of Works attend site daily and regularly monitor the establishment of key habitats in the eastern part of the solar park site.

They have recently carried out a bird survey, recording the presence of important overwintering bird species that the habitat areas have been designed to attract. These species include golden plover, lapwing and brent goose as well as the ongoing documentation of marsh harrier across the site.

Other work over the winter period has included further licenced water vole mitigation activities and advising on measures to reduce construction impacts on the ecology of the site. Full details of the project’s plans to mitigate impact during the construction period are set out in the Construction Environmental Management Plan (link).

The wetland habitat area pictured shows scrapes and swales completed in the first phase of the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) works. Phase 2 will soon be underway to connect these to the internal drainage ditches, to allow seasonal flooding. This will create the new wetland area as part of our Land and Biodiversity Management Plan (link).

The CHSP project team provided an update on the effectiveness of the habitats established to date at a meeting with the Habitat Management Steering Group in February. This group includes representatives from Natural England, Kent Wildlife Trust, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and the Environment Agency. Regular meetings will continue throughout the year.

Aerial wetland habitat area


Final transformer delivery


Battery Safety Management Plan